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Deforestation sun bear


Sun bears have experienced a 30% decrease in population over 30 years and the human made causes are getting worse . However, while we may be the root cause, we can also help save them, it's not too late to turn the tide.


Habitat Destruction

Sun bears are completely reliant on the forest for their survival but because of logging (legal and illegal), mining and agriculture they are at high risk. By the end of the century we may see up to a 75% loss of natural forests, this will lead to an even greater loss of biodiversity. 


In Indonesia alone, during 2000-2012, 40% of lost forest was in protected area. 


Along side logging, forest fires are deliberately set in order to quickly and cheaply clear land for plantations, palm oil production being one of the main reasons. In Borneo,16.2 million hectares of land were affected by fires in just 9 years. The fires don't just damage the burnt land but also limit the natural food production that sun bears and other species rely on by killing off pollinating creatures and causing drought.  

Illegal wildlife trade - sun bear

Illegal Wildlife Trade

Sun bear cubs are highly sort after as pets due to their cuteness. Their capture almost always involves the murder of their mothers. 


However like many wild animals that are taken into captivity, their captors do not know how to look after them or have the facilities to do so. This means that even if they are lucky enough to be rescued, they will need years of rehabilitation.

Caged sun bear

Commercial Hunting

Commercial hunting happens for many reasons, including the harvesting of gall bladders, for bush meat, exotic and expensive delicacies, trinkets etc.


Gall bladders are used in the production of folk medicine, mainly in China. While much of the bile gathered from gall bladders is farmed (usually illegally), some studies have shown that as much as 60% of gall bladders come from wild bears.


The killing of sun bears is illegal but unfortunately it isn't well enforced. 

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