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Adolescent sun bear


Sun Bears UK is here to help spread the word about sun bears and their plight. Together we can help save this amazing species and maintain a bit more of the amazing world that we all live in. 


Sun bears are a keystone species so by saving them we can help to save the biodiversity of the rainforests that they call home.


We are at the start of our journey so our goals may change slightly as we go but our aim of helping sun bears will not.

Our Goals

  • Fundraise for sun bear conservation and rehabilitation

  • Educate on the least understood bear species

  • Help communities to coexist with sun bears and their habitat


Decline in 30 years




Plus hectares of habitat loss for palm oil


Gall bladders sold come from wild sun bears

About Sun Bears UK

Found out about why we chose to help sun bears and where we want to go.

Climbing sun bears

Sun Bear Facts

Did you know that sun bears are obsessed with honey or that they nest in the trees? Come and find out more about the worlds smallest bear species.

Borneo rainforest


Sun bears face habitat loss, hunting and being caught for pets.

Cool people to follow

Follow some inspiring people that are helping to save sun bears.

Help Us

Sun Bears UK need your help to save the sun bears. See how you can make a difference . 

Playing sun bears
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